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The Dark Side of the Cell is featured in The Rhythmic Event. Art, Media and the Sonic, book authored by Eleni Ikoniadou, MIT Press 2014 The Dark Side of the Cell is featured in Nano Art: The Immateriality of Art, book authored by Paul Thomas, Intellect Publishing 2013 Excerpts from The Dark Side of the Cell are featured in the radio show framework:afield, edition "worlds unheard". The show assembles recordings of physical and non-physical phenomena normally beyond the range of human hearing and experience. 2011 Guest lecture "Creative Work and Long-Distance Collaboration" at SymbioticA, University of Western Australia, in the Seminar Series 2011 The video documentation of The Dark Side of the Cell was on display in the Nano Truck, a mobile education and information campaign about Nanotechnology of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. 2008-2011 www.nanotruck.de The Catalan Journal Metode publishes images of The Dark Side of the Cell and a collage titled "Composition" by Niemetz/Pelling in its nano edition, Spring 2010. The Dark Side of the Cell III published in Kwong, J., To, D. and Ng, N. eds. Transient Creatures. Hong Kong: Microwave (2008) Ad!dict magazine features The Dark Side of the Cell in its Nano Research edition. June 2007 Pelling & Niemetz participate in panels “Cells in Space and Time” and “Visual Science” at Trans: A visual culture conference at the University of Wisconsin Madison. Oct 19 - 22, 2006. Singende Zellen, Kunst, Wissenschaft und das Rauschen dazwischen published in unSICHTBARes. Kunst_Wissenschaft. Editors: Barbara Könches und Peter Weibel, Benteli Verlag, Bern. Oct, 2005 The Dark Side of the Cell is amongst the Top 50 of the International Media Prize of the ZKM. Sept, 2005 Video Interview: Niemetz & Pelling about The Dark Side of The Cell project. Ben Adair, host of Pacific Drift (89.3 KPCC Southern California Public Radio), features the The Dark Side of the Cell interview with Anne Niemetz and Andrew Pelling. 2/6/2005. Also broadcasted on NPR - Hearing Voices, 3/20/05 Swift Gallery, Brewery, downtown Los Angeles: Andrew Pelling and Anne Niemetz lectured on The Dark Side of the Cell. Nov 20, 2004 unSICHTBARes. Symposium at the ZKM Karlsruhe, Germany: Andrew Pelling and Anne Niemetz presented on the convergence of art and science during the Symposium. Oct 30, 2004 UCLA Daily Bruin: LACMA exhibit brings together science, art. Feb 12, 2004 Der Spiegel Online: Der gespenstische Gesang der Zellen (PDF). Jun 7, 2004 Il Domenicale: Fra arte e scienza, i dati che non vediamo. Oct 23, 2004 Bayerischer Rundfunk Online: Krankheiten am Klang erkennen. Dec 22, 2004 Week.it: I mass media muoiono? Arrivano i «media umidi». Feb 16, 2006 Science.ie: Technology makes art from sounds inside cells. 2005